It is the highest humidity and temperature measuring device that can be used in grain trade.


Thanks to the DICKEY-john mini GAC® portable grain moisture, hectoliters and family of temperature meters, you can easily keep humidity levels under control in the field, combine or wherever you are. These award-winning portable moisture meters have the highest accuracy in their class.

The family of mini GAC Grain Emitters is as follows:

  • mini GAC - the most accurate humidity and temperature measuring device.
  • mini GAC plus - the highest accuracy, hectolitre and temperature measuring device.
  • Mini GAC 2500 UGMA - the smallest UGMA compatible humidity, hectolitre and temperature measuring device on the market.

Indispensable Benefits to Farmers

The most important value in harvest, storage, purchase and sale processes is the humidity. With the Mini GAC®, you can quickly, easily and accurately measure the humidity. Moreover, there is no need for sample preparation and works with the pour and measure principle.

MiniGAC® features are as follows:

  • As the product flows into the measuring chamber with its own specific weight, the results are precise, measurements are standard, unlike pouring or squeezing devices on the market.
  • Calibration can be loaded for over 450 grains and crops. 16 of them can be programmed into the device.
  • With automatic temperature correction feature, it can make accurate measurements under difficult conditions.
  • It can test hot or frozen cereals between 0 and 50 ° C (32 to 122 ° F).
  • Calibrations can be easily loaded via USB


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